A life changing day for us. By Hoor Baakza

Wednesday Wonder- ABC for Moms

I gave birth to my child via an emergency c section. I called my doctor describing the symptoms I was experiencing. The nurse called me back asking me to go to labor and delivery right away as the doctor said that there was lack of fetal movement. Hearing this me and my husband drove there as fast as we could. They took me into the check-up room and noticed deceleration in baby’s heart beat. They told me I couldn’t go home and had to be induced right away. Frightened and in shock my brain literally stopped functioning. They started hooking me up w iv’s and multiple monitors. They started off with the cervidil. Then they used the foley bulb induction method. It was so painful and long that it left me shivering, crying and shouting. The contractions started to get intense but the dilation wasn’t progressing. They then started to give me pitocin. The contractions were so intense that I gave up and took the epidural. Things started to progress. My water broke and I was 7cm dilated . But then they started noticing that the baby’s heartbeat would decelerate rapidly at each contraction. All the nurses came in the room at once. They started shouting, ‘that’s it we have to take this baby out right now. We’re going to take you for a c section.’ More traumatized, I started crying out loud. The only thing I could think of was if my baby was okay. They pulled all the wires and ran the bed to the operating room. I was shivering and could still feel them touch my belly. I kept on shouting, don’t operate me till I’m numb. Two doctors started to operate me, I could feel it all, I remember shouting ‘call my husband please I need him’. After the baby was out, they called my husband, he came crying inside, sat next to me, held onto my shivering hands and body. Telling me it’s going to be okay. The doctor found out that I had a placenta abruption. Due to which the baby’s heartbeat was decelerating. Then I heard my baby’s first cry. Only I know how much pain I was in but I forgot it all.

This is a picture when they handed my baby to my husband and I. A little earlier than he had to come but it was all Allah’s plan.

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