Food to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy


Food cravings are so expected during pregnancy; they are familiar cliché. Pregnancy is the most vital and sensitive periods in a woman’s life and being a pregnant mom you need to ensure that your diet provides enough nutrients and energy for the baby to develop and grow properly and you also need to make sure that the body is healthy enough to deal with the pregnancy changes.

During pregnancy, the mom’s diet must be balanced and nutritious, which includes the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat and most importantly, consuming a wide variety of plants like vegetables and fruits.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain many significant nutrients for pregnant mom especially, vitamin C and folic acid. You can found these nutrients in the form of fresh juices, dried nuts, fresh, frozen and canned veggies, fruits, beans, etc. Fresh and frozen freshly picked food items usually have a higher level of vitamins and other nutrients. Aim for five portions of fruits and vegetables per day and need to take at least 70 mg of vitamin C that re abundant in fruits such as honeydew, oranges, and, grapefruits, and veggies such as broccoli, tomatoes, and Brussels sprouts. Having about 0.4 mg of folic acid per day prevents neural tube defects, and it can be found in dark green vegetables such as leafy greens. 

Undercooked, Raw and Processed Meat

The undercooked or raw form of meat should be avoided as it develops the risk of toxoplasmosis, E. coil, and infection with bacteria often found in raw meat. Bacteria may threaten the wellbeing of your baby, possibly leading to stillbirth or severe neurological illnesses, including intellectual disability and blindness. Whole cuts of meat like tenderloin, sirloins or ribeye from beef, lamb, and veal are pregnancy-friendly foods when not cooked all the way through, and this only applies when a piece of meat is whole or uncut, and thoroughly cooked on the outside

Undercooked or Raw Fish

Fish are safe to eat during pregnancy. However, some kind of fish consumption should be restricted such as shellfish, shark, swordfish, and marlin should be avoided entirely as they contain a high level of mercury. Tuna must be limited to two steaks about 140 grams cooked, and oily fishes should be limited to only two servings per week because they contain pollutants such as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls. You have choice to eat sushi because many Sushi dishes are safe to eat as long as Sushi has been frozen before preparation or consumption. 


One cup of plain yogurt covers 30 percent of daily calcium requirement, so yogurt is a vital food for pregnant women’s meals. Yogurt is often protected with probiotics, which is a good gut bacteria and it reduces the risk for developing eczema in unborn babies or other allergies later in life. Go for the plain varieties and sweeten with some fruit and cinnamon or ginger.

Certain Cheese

Mold-ripened soft cheeses, which often have a white rind, during pregnancy, should be avoided. This includes cheeses such as brie, camembert, as well as soft goat cheese such as chevre. These cheeses usually contain harmful bacteria such as listeria. Pregnant women should curb their cheesy craving by consuming only pasteurized cheese.

Raw Eggs

During pregnancy, raw and undercooked eggs should be avoided because eggs increase the risk of Salmonella. Salmonella infections are usually experienced only by mothers that include fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

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