Implantation Bleed


You might experience slight bleeding or spotting 6-12 days post fertilization when it attaches to the interior lining of the uterus. This is completely normal and doesn’t need medical attention. Around a third females experience this. It can be confused with a woman’s menstruation. Usually Implantation bleed occurs after 10 days of ovulation and  menstruation bleed takes place after 14 days of ovulation.


It is considered one of the earliest identifiable signs of pregnancy. Its usually occurs a few days before menstruation. Many women get confused whether it is their normal period or implantation bleed.

  1. Mood swings
  2. Headache
  3. Mild cramps
  4. Lower backache
  5. Nausea

The question arises on how to differentiate between implantation bleed and menstruation. There a few points that can help you differentiate between the two:

  1. Implantation bleed is usually light pink to dark brown in colour.
  2. Implantation bleed doesn’t consist of any clots.
  3. Implantation bleed usually occurs as a single episode. At the most extending to three days.
  4. Implantation bleeds is actually just spotting and not an actual bleed. Usually it only becomes apparent if the woman wipes it or comes in as spots on a pantyliner.

So if you experience full flow of bright or dark red blood that stays for a duration of your regular period then  it most likely isn’t implantation bleed.

Its ok to look for implantation bleeding if you are expecting to get pregnant but it should be kept in mind that many women do not experience any implantation bleeding at all. Also, any bleeding that occurs after a few day of your missed period is most likely not implantation bleeding. Causes for such bleeding can be read in our other articles.

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