Constipation during pregnancy

Expecting a baby is a time full of excitement, joy, and anticipation. It’s also a necessary time to take care of yourself and your baby. This article will help the pregnant mom to know about the cause of constipation and how to prevent it during pregnancy.

Constipation during pregnancy is a prevalent symptom, and it is more frequent during the second trimester.  As your baby is increasing, your body is rapidly changing, and these changes may include digestive issues such as constipation and gas. Feeling bloated and constipated is not only uncomfortable but it can also the cause of hemorrhoid. It affects approximately half of all women at some point during their pregnancy. 

What the cause of Constipation during Pregnancy?

Being a pregnant woman, you may face constipation due to a couple of reasons. An infrequent bowel movement, abdominal pain, and passage of hard stools are the familiar signs of constipation when you are pregnant and every expecting women will probably experience these all. 

During pregnancy, an increase in the progesterone hormone causes the relaxation of your body’s muscles that carry your intestines. Relaxation of the intestinal muscles causes food and waste to move slower through your system, and this leads to constipation. Sometimes hormonal changes in the body, pressure on the womb and iron supplement may also the causes of constipation. So, if you are taking iron supplements try to make sure you are drinking plenty of water. 

How can you prevent or treat constipation during Pregnancy?

Take high fiber diet

Fiber is incredibly important because a diet high in fiber helps prevent constipation and it also supplies a pregnant woman with vitamins. Commonly, pregnant women can consume 25 to 30 grams each day of dietary fiber from vegetable, beans, breakfast cereals, whole-grain bread, prunes, and bran.

Drink lots of fluids / Drink like a fish

Staying hydrated during pregnancy is very important. A pregnant woman should drink 10 to 12 ounces glass of fluids each day like water, vegetable or fruit juices and broth, particularly when increasing fiber intake. Consumption of high fiber diet with plenty of liquids will help you to eliminate your waste and sweats easily.

Keep Moving

There are plenty of benefits by staying physically active during pregnancy. Regular physical activity helps pregnant women reduce constipation. Being a pregnant woman you have endless exercise options, you can be walking down your nearest hiking path, swimming at your local gym and practicing prenatal yoga. These exercises stimulate your bowels. You should schedule your workout three times a week for 20-30 minutes each. 

Consider your supplements and medications

If natural options have failed, there are many supplements and medicines including prenatal vitamins, calcium, iron supplements, and antacids that can exacerbate constipation.  Sometimes your practitioner prescribes you stool softeners like Colace on a short term basis. It helps moisten your bowels, so they are easier to pass.

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